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AGROMACH 9 Bottom Chisel Plough

SAMYAK 9 Bottom Chisel Plough

Samyak Agro Implements also has range for agriculture purpose we have developed Chisel Ploughs. The Chisel Plough is primary tillage deep plough, working up to 20" to ensure development of crop root system at proper depth and environment. It is an ideal implement where top soil is fertile but subsoil is not productive. The Chisel Plough increases natural fertility of soil as deep tillage provides enough circulation of air, moisture, and sunlight into soil. For full penetration in the first pass, a 50 to 85 hp tractor would be required. A medium (50hp) tractor will plough 12" in the first pass and full 20" depth will be attained in the second pass.

Benefits :
- The Subsoilers are deep tillage implements specally designed for breaking up hard Layers and loosening the subsoil allowing better drainage.root growth and mineral osmosis.
- The heavy duty chisel poited share shatters the soil well below.thus increasing the water holding capacity.
- It preserves moisture during high rainfall which is very important for the crop to withstand rainfall or drought periods.
- It is an inexpensive implement & it provides a simple and economical way to obtain boosting crop yields and profits.

AGROMACH 9 Bottom Chisel Plough Specifications

Number of Disc 9
Disc Dia (mm) 12 Inch
Depth of Cut 12 Inch
Overall Length 100 inch
Overall Width 27 inch
Overall Height 20 inch
Total Approx Weight (kg) 400 kg
Suitable HP Range 60 HP
* The Weight and working data contained in the present Leaflet are supplied for information only and are not binding. Specification and size can be altered as part of ongoing product modification improvement.

Other Features Of SAMYAK 9 Bottom Chisel Plough

- It can plough up to 55 c.m. deep.
- It Fight draught by increasing the ground storege capacity.
- It increases soil turnover by reaching deeper organic matter layers.